
Ayush Goyal

Age - 27 Years

+91 8888796670 | | | Linkedin

Current Roles:

Founder : Benoffe Tea

Founder : Benoffe Consultancy

Director, Customer Success at Zooper Technologies Private Limited

Director of Customer Success

Zooper Technologies Private Limited

Full Time, Remote, July 2022 - Present

Work Profile - Handling enterprise clients, maintaining active & warm communication with CEOs, CXOs, Executives, and POCs at 50+ Enterprises, each at a scale of 1000+ employees. Managing the end-to-end brand communication, content, sales, investor relations, Government proposals, 


Benoffe Tea

Full Time, On-Site, September 2017 - Present

Founded my own venture-

Established a retail outlet, started and established 5 brands providing a variety & range of Black Tea right from 250 GM consumer pack to 35 KG industry grade packaging.

Served 10M+ cups worth of tea, bootstrapped the business, travelled to two countries & 25+ cities for business research and vendor set-up.


Symbiosis International University

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) 

Specialization - Marketing & Human Resource
